The Archie Foundation


The Archie Foundation, a children’s hospital charity based in Aberdeen, serves patients, parents, and healthcare professionals across the north of Scotland, including Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital, Tayside Children’s Hospital (Dundee) and the Highland Children’s Unit (Inverness). They offer grant support for patients and enhance hospital experiences by providing additional amenities beyond what the NHS can offer. A senior representative from The Archie Foundation explains, “We provide grant support to those needing emergency support and add the extra touches to the NHS service, making things a bit more child friendly around the hospital. It’s more pleasing to the eye and more welcoming to the children.”

Mobile communication is crucial for their fundraising staff who frequently traverse various areas of Grampian, Tayside and the Highlands, requiring a reliable and cost-effective solution. “It is really important because we need to make sure that our donors are able to contact us freely and reach out as quickly as possible. A number of our staff for fundraising are out and about quite a lot. So, it’s important we keep in contact with them as they’re touring the regions.

Challenges & Solution

Before partnering with GoodCall, the Archie Foundation faced challenges with their mobile hardware and contracts. They were directly supplied by Vodafone, with a connection to a third-party company. Seeking better value and a supplier aligned with their needs, the foundation reached out to GoodCall.

We were looking for value for money and just making sure that we were on the right tariffs and being able to have the confidence that the supplier was actually looking for our best needs rather than just selling us a product that was off-the-shelf.

GoodCall demonstrated an understanding of the unique needs of a nonprofit organisation. They conducted a thorough audit, exploring data usage, coverage needs, and potential signal issues in remote areas like the Highlands. This detailed exploration ensured that the proposed solution would meet the foundation’s specific requirements. “So, there was a real good in-depth study of who was using what data and what we actually required, so it kept the cost as low as possible for us.


GoodCall’s intervention resolved signal issues in challenging areas, particularly in the Highlands. Post-implementation, the foundation experienced a significant drop in costs compared to their previous contracts with third-party suppliers.

The representative attests, “Signal were a troublesome area, especially in the Highlands. Once the mobiles were rolled out, our costs plummeted compared to where we were with the other third parties. It has ticked both boxes.”

The audit and exploration conducted by GoodCall not only addressed existing issues but also ensured that the mobile solution was tailored to the foundation’s operational requirements, creating a positive experience for the staff. “Elaine was exceptionally good and when we started the contract, she was constantly in touch and even when we’ve had challenges, all we have to do was pick up the phone and speak directly with the GoodCall Team and you know [who] we’re going to talk to rather than being stuck in a queue and getting a complete random trying to resolve any issues.”


The Archie Foundation recommends GoodCall based on their positive experience. The representative states, “I wouldn’t hesitate at all. I’d recommend GoodCall purely because of the feeling of being looked after and making sure that what you’re being provided has been looked into and is fit for purpose for your needs.”

The foundation emphasises the importance of GoodCall’s emphasis on value for money and their deep understanding of the nonprofit sector. The decision to choose GoodCall went beyond merely obtaining competitive prices. The fact that GoodCall operates as a social enterprise, prioritising social outcomes, aligned perfectly with the foundation’s values.

He acknowledges, “I could have quite easily got similar prices going directly to the suppliers, but it just felt right when we went with GoodCall because of the social enterprise factor. Making sure we’re doing the right thing and having GoodCall doing that for others just felt right.”


The Archie Foundation’s partnership with GoodCall not only addressed immediate challenges but also provided a long-term solution tailored to their unique needs. GoodCall’s commitment to social outcomes, personalised service, and cost-effectiveness makes them a preferred choice for nonprofit organisations seeking mobile solutions. The foundation looks forward to continued collaboration and recommends GoodCall to others in the nonprofit sector.

To know more about The Archie Foundation and their impact, please visit their website here!

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